Photography! It had always been part of my life, but I had never taken it further than a hobby. It was not until the end of 2014, following the shock of the untimely death of my mother, that I revisited it. I went into it in depth using it almost for psychological therapy, and I discovered the sensation of having come across something exceptional. I had found by accident, an exciting way of astonishing myself with the most obvious things, understanding and seeing them from a completely different point of view.
In mid-2015 I began lessons in digital photography at El Faro de Oriente under my teacher Arturo Fuentes Franco. By the end of the year, seeing the work I was producing, he encourage me and introduced me to traditional photography. The so-called alternative photographic processes, nowadays obsolete and largely replaced by digital processes.
I decided to abandon digital photography completely and recover those traditional methods by the beginning of 2017. It didn’t take me long to realise that they have greater plasticity, more volume, and more depth than digital techniques. With traditional methods, the photograph produces its own language. To me, to work with analogue photography makes sense within the photographic speech, it has its own identity. Too many people ask me, Why use a technique that has become obsolete? I said no, it is not obsolete, it´s just a tool that is no longer used.
In 2017, my lifestyle changed completely with the advent of my participating in exhibitions and all that entailed. Consequently, I now devote myself entirely to photography.